Dream boy real name, face reveal, age, height, gf, net worth, family, biography

Dream boy biography

Who is dream boy and What is real name of dream boy ?

Dream boy is an Indian gamer and a youtuber with more 1 million subscribers (sep 2022). The real name of dream boy is not yet revealed and we will update this post when he will reveal it so be in touch with our blog and also make sure to follow.

Where did dream boy live ? 

Dream boy is an Indian (nationality) and he belongs to the state of Maharashtra and the address of dream is not yet revealed.

Face reveal of dream boy ?

Dream boy creates face cam videos but he uses mask , cap and goggles so it is difficult to see his face which Is equal to face unrevealed. So this post will be updated when face will be revealed.

Age , height, physical details and girl friend name of dream boy ?

Age of dream boy is less than 20 years and seems to be 19 years old and height of dream boy is around 5"10 and his physically fit and handsome. Just like his name the name of his girlfriend is not revealed yet.


Note : all the details may be not complete yet but you can follow our blog to stay tuned. All the details present on this post has been taken from the social media platforms of the following celebrity/youtuber. The main motive to share the information is only educational purpose so if you have any problem regarding the content on this page you can contact us with detail of your problem. 


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